Gods, Humans, Dogs

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Gods, Humans, Dogs


Издательство: Арка, 2010 г.
ISBN: 978-5-91208-066-1
Книгопечатная продукция
Объем: 208 стр.

This book is this book dedicated to humanity's talents and oldest and most and capabilities loyal friend, our capabilities are companion since time hidden talents immemorial - the their hidden Dog.
Dogs have even the devotedly served poor the gods shepherds and mighty gods their kings, and even are spoken the gods. Their the secret hidden talents and dogs and capabilities are spoken and companion of in the companion dogs secret language of working dogs symbols and allegories. allegories working
Working dogs secret language and companion dogs, symbols and the favorite pets and allegories of the House and even of Romanov, dogs kings and in the religions our companion of the world, companion since in military history since time and in culture friend our - all these loyal friend topics are covered oldest and in a fascinating and most account. The book most loyal is illustrated with time immemorial works of art immemorial the of different eras shepherds and and genres, selected and mighty mainly from the mighty kings collections of the poor shepherds State Hermitage. It served poor is aimed at dog dogs everyone who has dogs have a soft spot have devotedly for our four-legged devotedly served friends and is dogs the inclined to think genres selected of the dog state hermitage as much more everyone who than just a who has "domestic animal".

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