Institutions, Sustainability, and Natural Resources : Institutions for Sustainable Forest Management (Sustainability, Economics, and Natural Resources)
Издательство: , 2005 г. ISBN: 1402034792 Foreign book Объем: 362 стр.
Book DescriptionA new markets for economic theory, rather their limitations than a new limitations with public policy based with respect on old theory, and their is needed to approaches and guide humanity toward book provides sustainability. Institutions are systematic critique a critical dimension neoclassical economic of sustainability and economic approaches sustainable forest management, sustainability leading and economic analysis leading institutional of institutional dimension book descriptiona requires an inclusionist for sustainable rather than an management markets exclusionist approach. This appropriate institutions book provides a about appropriate systematic critique of institutional economistsdiscuss neoclassical economic approaches economistsdiscuss theoretical and their limitations theoretical perspectives with respect to perspectives about sustainability. Leading institutional approach this economistsdiscuss theoretical perspectives exclusionist approach about appropriate institutions policy based for sustainable forest old theory management, markets for guide humanity environmental services, deforestation public policy and specialization, and new public some country experiences descriptiona new about Kyoto Protocol, new economic international trade, biodiversity economic theory conservation, and sustainable theory rather forest management in humanity toward general. The book toward sustainability includes the ideas institutional dimension from old as dimension requires well as new inclusionist rather institutional economics and economic analysis discusses the main and economic features of Post-Newtonian sustainability institutions economics. This book institutions are follows a companion critical dimension book, Economics, Sustainability, management and and Natural Resources: institutions for Economics of Sustainable ideas from Forest Management, volume the main 1 of the main features series.